Friday, October 18, 2024
23.2 C

The Lantern

Still on Entrepreneurship!

In the past three editions, l dwelt on the topic of entrepreneurship because readers kept asking for more. In this edition however, l consider it pertinent to showcase real-life successful entrepreneurial CASE STUDY-away from all the grammar! A case of practical example-indeed. Konosuke Matsushita: The $73 Billion Story! In 1917 in Japan, a 23-year-old apprentice (Konosuke Matsushita) worked at the Osoka Electric Light Company without any form of formal education.

Entrepreneurship: The Lonely Road to Sustainable Financial Future (2)

I honestly did not plan to pen Part 2 of this article (above) l did last week. But the response from our readers was overwhelming and many requested a follow-up. The message is very clear: Many Nigerians are eager to leave paid employment behind and plot their own destiny on their own terms. Even with all the bumps and spikes in the Nigerian business environment staked against entrepreneurs and small business owners, many still consider the Entrepreneur Route as the best route to their financial stability and future. A job is a job. A business is a business! It would be pertinent at this stage to look at key factors that would be of profound interest to existing and potential entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship: The Lonely Road to Sustainable Financial Future

Entrepreneurship is a lonely path. It is a lonely road of earthly bumps, spikes, leaking wallet and sweet sweat at the end of the rough road. It is not a calling for every man or woman. It is a path set aside for a select crop of men and women set aside for that purpose. At a time of growing unemployment and dwindling oil revenue as a result of falling oil prices in the international market, it is time to raise greater awareness on the importance and benefits of entrepreneurship towards sustainable financial future.

The Anti-corruption War: How Far Can Buhari Go?

From all indications so far, President Muhammadu Buhari is proving to be a man of his word. Indeed, it is worth recalling that throughout the period he contested for the presidency over the years and the 2015 electioneering campaign in particular, waging war on corruption was one of his key policy points.

Niger Delta Amnesty Programme: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow!

The Niger Delta Amnesty Programme is still on course! That was the good news every citizen of the Niger Delta region, concerned Nigerians and multinationals in the oil & gas sector wanted to hear from the Seat of Power in Abuja. That good news came via presidential statement announcing retired Brigadier-General Paul Boroh as the New Co-ordinator of the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme. He replaced Kingsley Kuku.

The Buhari-Osinbajo 50% Salary Cut: Leading From The Frontline!

These are desperate times in Nigeria! Times that demand tough decisions in public interest and exemplary leadership on the part of leaders. It is tough not to acknowledge the difficult economic and security situation of the nation today.

BUHARINOMICS: Charting Path to Sustainable Economic Renaissance

The presidential election was over on Saturday, March 28, 2015. It is now a historical document for academic research and street political analysis. On March 28, CHANGE triumphed over TRANSFORMATION AGENDA, leading to the emergence of General Muhammadu Buhari as President, Federal Republic of Nigeria. On May 29, Buhari assumed the leadership of the nation, bringing to an end, the regime of Goodluck Jonathan. For Buhari, it is a long road to Aso Rock. Three times he contested and lost. And three times he dusted the stinking ashes of defeat to rise again to seek for the same office. And on the fourth effort, he won. Either fortune smiled on him or the Gods took pity on him and handed him the office to break the cycle of defeat and save him from the poisoned pen of harsh historians and political propagandists.

NNPC: An Ugly, Dirty Story!

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is a Bad Story. Today, right thinking members of the Nigerian society are asking just one question: What is wrong with NNPC? In the past few years and running, the NNPC has been in the news for all the wrong reasons- from frequent sacking of its group managing directors, which gives a picture of instability and incompetence, to endless allegations of insolvency and rampant fraud.