Home Insurance Fitness Walk Will Drive Insurance Awareness, Penetration-NEM Insurance GMD

Fitness Walk Will Drive Insurance Awareness, Penetration-NEM Insurance GMD


Mr. Tope Smart, Group Managing Director/CEO of NEM Insurance Plc says the annual CIIN Fitness Walk has the potential to drive insurance awareness and penetration in the country.

Smart, who was represented at the recent CIIN Fitness Walk by Mr. Andrew Ikekhua, an Executive Director at the company, said by embarking on the fitness walk, “we are deepening insurance penetration and also generating more awareness and showcasing the value of insurance to the general public.”

The NEM GMD commended the leadership of the Institute for organising such wonderful event year in, year out, which aside of improving “our physical and mental well-being, also affords us the opportunity to unwind, market our various companies & products to the public, socialise and network among ourselves for the overall benefit of the industry.”

He enjoined all the participants “to mingle and share ideas among ourselves, so that we can enjoy the benefits of this event and to foster synergy and harmony among us all present here. As we continue this program, I urge you all to dance, sit back, relax and enjoy the events.”

He added that the Management and Staff of NEM Insurance Plc are indeed very happy to host this event yet again and again.

“We are very delighted to do so with every sense of humility and deep sense of honour and we are ever ready to host you all, anytime.”

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